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Importance points to be borne in mind
for understanding an annual horoscope.
a. shivabhirav
denotes Annual Horoscope is a part of a birth horoscope. This is cast for the
moment of return of the Sun to the same longitude and was at the time of birth
their sign.
b. The Birth
Horoscope duly prepared according to Mathematical exactitude should be with us.
c. There may
be difference in the ascendant signs in respect of birth and an annual
horoscope. However the sign of Sun and his longitude should be one and the same
in both the horoscopes.
d. In order
to create a linkage between the birth and annual horoscope our sages have introduced
"Muntha" otherwise called a progressed ascendant. The movement of
Muntha is one sign annually and the sign and longitude of muntha would be same
as that of Lagna or birth ascendant.
e. pandit
shivabhirav adds up There are only male and female planets in Tajik Sastra
unlike Parasari system & planets are categorized into male, female and
hermaphrodite. The male planets are the Mars, Sun and Jupiter while female
planets are Saturn,Moon,Mercury and Earth. The male Planets are strong during
the day and female planets during the night.