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About karmas and diseases:
It is common
now a days to hear it said that the purana’s are very unreliable scriptures and
that they indulge in unlimited exaggeration about very many things. These
critics say that the purana’s contain gross overstatements and preposterously
puerile attempts to cajole or to cow down the reader with citations like the
grandiose descriptions of heavenly regions and their joys as also of the awful
pictures of hell fires and its torments. To criticize a subject requires very
little wit or wisdom. For simple and
direct condemnation without caring to consider the pros and cons of a matter is
the inborn nature of the human mind. But even to these biased
ones a little thoughtful consideration will forthwith reveal that the sagely
writers of the purana’s had a special purpose in writing certain thing in the
manner they did.
They deliberately emphasized and laid particular
stress upon some subjects with a definite end in view underneath this graphic
and detailed descriptions of the karmas and their consequences there is a
shrewd psychology and insight being put to make a practical purpose.
Until and unless self-realization is attained, Knowledge-absolute
is gained, there is ever the ebb and flow, the constant see-saw between the
animal and the man in every human being.
The beast or the brute is never completely absent or overcome except
through a final divinization of the individual. As long as there is the
individual. As long as there is the human, side by side there will be the
animal also, now the one having the upper hand, now the other. It is only when
the jiva gets above and beyond both these and gets transformed and establishes
in the third and hitherto dormant aspect of his nature, Namely the Divine
aspect, that he becomes “Mriga-Nara-Atita”. Then onwards there is no more of
this tug-of-war between the animal and man natures to gain precedence and
dominate over the field of Jiva consciousness. For now the divine Kshethrajna
Himself reigns supreme over the kshetra.
Now until this state
attained we find therefore that man is in turn animal and human according to
the vritti that possesses him. He shows himself alternately to be noble and
petty. He swings between the sublime and the bathos.His two different aspects
react to the external stimuli in their own distinctive manners. And equally
likewise only particular moders of external approach succeed in evoking the
desired response from these dual aspects in man’s consciousness. Thus it is
that we find in persons who have evolved themselves to some fair extent and
acquired a good measure of sattva, of refinement, culture and character, the
purely gross and degenerate impulses and temptations fail to have effect. They
succeed only in exceptional situations when the person unfortunately happens to
be in some rare moment of weakness due to revival of Samsara’s.
They are regions with
difference only in the subtlety of the plane of their manifestation. They
differ in the degree of the state of consciousness revealed through them .The
sufferings inflicted on the sinners as enumerated hereunder may be taken to
mean either an actual birth in such regions, or an experience of suffering
equal to that enumerated herein, in any other state of existence, or a life on
earth with such entanglements, where one will undergo such pains either
directly or through the agency of others.
Karmas and diseases
Who insults others, breaks promises,
and causes great disappointment to another. Deprives one of his property.
Disgraces others in public.
Gets mental agony and pain.
Who plugs up or blocks up the hole of
a rat or a snake .who catches fish and causes them to die by suffocation .who
stifles the life of any creature.
Gets Asthma, lung diseases.pleaurisy.
Bronchitis, pneumonia etc.
Who kills or injures another by means
of poisoned instruments.
Suffers from scorpion sting and snake
Who oppresses others and keeps them
in permanent slavery by excessive vanity and pride.
Gets elephantiasis
Who is a miser and money-lender, who
ruins, impoverishes and drives his debtors to starvation through rack renting
and abnormal interest?
Suffers from consumption.
Who indulges with prostitutes,
commits adultery, and leads an impure life.
Gets leprosy.
Who is proud of his physical strength
and misuses his power in oppressing and fighting with others.
Suffers from epilepsy.
Who casts lustful look on women? Who
eyes others property. Whose heart burns at others well-being? Who visits
nautch- parties?
Gets permanent eye diseases.
Who sets fire to a house and causes
others death.
Gets erysipelas and fatal hot boils.
Who poisons others with irritating,
fiery and corrosive foods, who adds lime in rice and serves in hotels? Who
adds water to milk and sells it for high price passing it for pure milk.
Gets colic and gastritis.
Who is hypo critic? Who under the
guise of goodness and virtue continuously torments others with petty tyranny
.who constantly ill- treats, beats and deals harshly with little children?
Gets bad itches and skin diseases.
Who indulges in gossip? Who likes to
hear abusing others and insulting others
who hears obscene songs in dancing shows etc.
Gets ear sore and painful humming
sound in the ears and suffers from ear inflammation.
Sons who disobey their fathers and
drag them to court.
Get leukoderma and loss of vision.
Lawyers and advocates who twist truth
and falsehood in court cases.
Get color blindness. Saint Vitus’s
dance. Squint eye and cataract are born with a deformed body and afflicted
with loss of memory.
Scientists who invent destructive
fire bombs and those who drop them on the innocent public
Get multiplicity of dangerous
incurable diseases being born as insects will live in the hollow of trees and
when the trees are cut and logs used for firewood will be cruelty burnt to
ashes in successive rebirths.
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